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Writer's pictureAlexander Schwarzmeer

The Uneaten Apple

Eve was following the stone path to the tree of knowledge where the serpent was crawling among the branches. She and Adam were seduced into the unknown by its words and led by it to commit the first sin. When they came across the work of God, where they would defile His almighty order, Eve stood still for a while to appreciate the beauty of it. They were neither afraid nor embarrassed for the crime they would commit since they had no idea of such concepts. Eve took one last glance at the tree before she reached for one of the apples hanging on the branch. She gripped the golden fruit glowing like a small sun and held it in her hand. Then she lifted it to her mouth to take a bite. But when it touched her lips and Eve committed the first sin, she saw a vision of what would happen. The struggle of mankind, its exile, turmoil, suffering, and demise... All flashed in front of her eyes, making her confused with a reality she could not imagine. She dropped the apple before the serpent hanging down the branch. She held Adam's hand and dragged him far from the tree, which was struck by a bolt of lightning at the same instance. Adam was not sure of what all that happened meant; he was terrified by the punishment of God they had avoided. However, Eve was relieved to avoid the danger. Both were happy to fulfill the command of God.

The Garden of Eden was a place of peace for the creation of God. Adam and Eve were part of this harmony which had lasted without the flow of time. The ever-green, always shining, and endless garden of God was designated for the living of man to glorify his honor. They did not know why they were there in existence, and to be honest, they did not know the existence of such a question either. At least it was the case for Adam. For Eve, it was another story. She was just like Adam until the day she took a taste. She was in agony, which Adam seemed to not notice, of ideas in labor. She was enlightened with the existence of the existence, and it was a disturbance for her. She was in pain because she needed answers, but to reply, she had to ask, but questions were not in her mind yet. Everything and the only thing she knew was being in existence, the ability to experience, the idea of being. Of course, she was she before she realized that simple fact; otherwise, how could she notice what she did notice. But being without knowing it and being with knowing it were two distinct faces of existence. From the day of illumination forward, Eve's days grew sourer while her newly bloomed curiosity grew greater. She was like a mouse put in a white carton where the food and drink were constantly replenished, yet there was nothing to see but a dazzling light bulb above. Hence the heaven which she used to wander carefree alongside Adam was a box of torment to her. She was not protesting against God; on the contrary, she was still praising him. The emotion carving her up from inside was not anger but an uneasiness of an expectation not fulfilled and known to never be satisfied. While she was struggling to live with the flood of unwanted feelings, the apple was glowing brighter at the same instance. A call was getting ready to be made.

One day, Eve, who was wandering in the garden of God alone, found herself standing in front of the burnt trunk of a tree where the uneaten apple lay beneath. For the following days, it was a place of pilgrimage to her; she visited each and every day. She was standing still with her mind buzzing with images of the unknown, and her eyes fixed upon the uneaten apple. She was spending more and more time in this state of thoughtfulness with each passing day, till the point when she was not moving anywhere else. She was like a statue erected in the place of the tree, which Adam was watching from afar. He was not troubled with the same concerns as her (as he had no idea of such concepts); however, he had a feeling of lacking due to Eve's seclusion on the hill. The best he could do to avoid that consuming feeling was to look at her from a certain distance that would not disturb her. Both were there all the time without doing anything but staying motionless in the sea of their own thoughts and emotions. Hence they stopped their prayers to God even without noticing it. An act that seemed impossible to make was made; an offense considered to be the most sinful was committed. In the past, they could not go with such actions for the belief that God would be angered. However, it seemed like they were not caring at all. And certainly, God had no regard for it. There was neither a flood drowning them nor lightning coming down to smite. The threat of punishment was forgotten by only two members of a kind, and it was not served. For Eve, it would mean nothing whether it happened or not, but for Adam, it was a surprising revelation. His premises, which stood so strong, were shaken, and his mind was being opened to a new perception. He could even sense the nature of Eve's state at least. An existence of an unfitting emotion to a soul took the shape of persistence, which was the disease of her. And he was also starting to suffer from the same sickness. However, he was not struck by the same inertness. As he was not bothering with the idea of whether breaking a wall or not. He simply knew the fact that such a wall was not existing. It was that realization that made him move past Eve and lean to the apple. It was the unchained urge of an instinct which made him lift the fruit between the lips of them both.

Firsts of a kind were walking at dawn on an inhabited rock, while the gate of the garden was closing upon a bitten apple.

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